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Expertise in Developing Software and Applications

Full Stack Development

Equally comfortable dealing with Front End Frameworks, mastering Business Logic using .NET Framework and ORMs and juggling with Database DDL and DML

Critical Thinking

Forward-thinking problem identification, researching, analysis, and resolution. Taking pride in building complex solutions with basic technology.

Web Security

Developing Web applications with security in mind using the current best practices. Assessing security risks in existing code and applications design.

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Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think
Albert Einstein

Master's Degree in Software Engineering

Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics

2009, Kharkov, Ukraine

Bachelor's Degree in Finance

Alfred Nobel University

2005, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

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My free time's passions


Electronics & Microcontrollers

Smart Home

Smart Home & Home Automation


Travel & Ancient History


The most addictive and attractive